Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Another Roo Expedition

Generally, the kangaroos lay low during the heat of the day. We tend to see them around dawn and dusk when they come out to graze. During the day, they nap in the shade of bushes and trees which are found at the bottoms of the gullies. In many areas here, these are the only places with enough moisture for the larger plants to survive. We had our last rain about two weeks ago.

Inside a gully. There has been enough rain here recently to make the grass quite green in places.

Fortunately, there are some gullies close to where we are staying. In the map below, we are in the building just to the right of the Google Street View Guy's feet. A short walk brings us to the perimeter road and then the bush terrain to the east of the village. The closest gully is only a couple hundred feet from the road.

We have found that if you wander through the gullies in the middle of the day you will probably run across a fair number of kangaroos. There are two types of kangaroos in this region: small grey and large red. I feel that I have seen a lot of the grey ones, but not so many red ones. (In retrospect, this may not be entirely true. The female red kangaroos are much smaller and grey, so I might have seen more red kangaroos than I realized.) It has been my goal recently to get a good picture of a red kangaroo.

This is a male red kangaroo. A large male can be about my size (roughly 5'8", 160lbs).

I had my closest encounter with a kangaroo yet. A juvenile red kangaroo popped its head up out of the salt bush about 40 ft from Christa and I. It stared around for about 20 seconds before bounding off.

A bit farther on, we stumbled across several Bobtail Skinks. These are slow moving, lethargic creatures with black tongues. I got within 6 feet of this guy before noticing him. Their tales look like they have been docked.


  1. Gabe, thanks for keeping up the blogs ... Quite interesting stuff ... Seems like a continuing adventure in which we can participate remotely.
