Sunday, March 23, 2014

Gorge Wildlife Park

Our last day before leaving, we stopped at a wildlife preserve near Adelaide. I was hoping to get a better view of some of the animals we have seen or could have seen in the wild around Woomera (kangaroos, lizards, snakes and small mammals and marsupials.) The park mostly had larger mammals and birds.
The highlight of the visit for me was feeding the wallabies. They were a little bit timid when you first approached them. They ate very gently out of our hands. I could see having one of them as a pet. They are smaller and cuter than kangaroos.
Feeding an albino wallaby.

I love the coloring of this one. When we first showed up, the joey was outside the pouch. As we got closer, the baby bounced over to his mom and dove headfirst into the pouch.

This one had his eyes closed almost all the time.

We also got to hold a koala. Two handlers brought out koalas and a stash of eucalyptus branches for them to eat. The koalas contentedly munched on the eucalyptus leaves as they got passed from person to person.

Elsewhere in the park, there was a pen with koalas. This guy was actually awake, though sleepy. Accoring to this PBS article, to survive on their diet of nutritionally poor, difficult to digest eucalyptus, they have very slow metabolisms and spend most of their time sleeping when they are not eating. In fact, it is likely that their brains have shrunk to roughly half the size they were before the koala switched to a diet of only eucalyptus.

Monday, March 17, 2014

Pernatty Lagoon Mine

On a day we went in early and finished early, we took some time in the afternoon to locate a geocache about 25 minutes south of Woomera. It was on the outskirts of the Pernatty Lagoon Mine. It is a copper, silver and cobalt mine that has been in operation for over 100 years.
The ore is found in a layer 3-10 meters thick at a depth betweens 10s of meters and 400meters. The parts we were able to see were open cut mines where the layers of earth above the ore had been removed.
There were nice signs welcoming us to the visitors area where there was a viewing platform overlooking the open pit mine.
Dave and Duncan following path to viewing platform:

Viewing platform:


There was a lot of green to be seen. The rocks contained green (copper sulphate?).

There was a leach field area below the mine on the edge of a salt lake. Some green liquid flowed into it from the mine. It was very pretty, but it looked kind of toxic. This is the dried out pond:

Duncan surveys a pond of green liquid while keeping his cellular mutations in check:

Friday, March 14, 2014


Last weekend we took a day trip down to the town of Whyalla. It is a small town about 45 minutes down the coast from Port Augusta.

It started in the early 1900s as a port where iron ore from inland could be loaded onto ships to be taken to Port Pirie. In the 1940s, a blast furnace was started that would purify the ore into iron. Later a steel mill was added in conjunction with the blast furnace. Also in the 40s, a shipyard was opened for constructing patrol ships for WWII and commercial ships after the war. Today, the shipyard is closed, but the blast furnace/steel mill is still operational. The town is also promoting itself as a tourist destination with scenic coastlines, museums and dolphin and cuttlefish watching.

We had a quick lunch at a local hotel when we first arrived:

Then we went down to see the harbor to hopefully see a dolphin or two. We got there just as some fishermen were returning to the dock. It is common for them to throw scraps overboard and the dolphins have learned to trail the boats in the hopes that they will get fed.

One of the fishermen gave Christa a leftover bait fish and told her how to get a dolphin to come and eat it.
photo from Dunc
Sequence of dolphin approaching and gently taking the fish out of her hand:

Us (plus an unidentified lady) being dolphin paparazzi:
photo from Dunc
The dolphins were pretty curious (or greedy for food). Both in the harbor and while we were on a jetty, they were watching us. They would often swim on their side so they could keep one eye above the water and see through the air.

We also saw a local fisherman catching squid for dinner.

As we were leaving a huge pelican swooped in and landed on a lamp post:

Viewed in the right way, they look like silly cartoon characters:


I have done some biking on this trip, but not nearly as much as last time. Our work hours are crazier, it has been a lot hotter, and my car has been needed at work.
I planned to do more off road riding this trip so I bought some new improved puncture resistant tires. One of the local plants has completely defeated them. It has small, rock hard seeds, with a single sharp point. They are perfectly sized for my tread so they fit between the nobs and have just enough reach to puncture both the tire and inner tube. They leave tiny punctures that are impossible to find without submerging the tire in water and cannot be seen even when I know exactly where they are.
Offending seed:

One day I went a little farther out of Woomera than normal. As I was riding through one of the rare patches of mud here, I noticed that both tires were deflating. My bike was covered in stinky mud, it was 95 degrees, I was 4+ miles from home and had two flats and one spare tube. I found I could pump up both tires and then ride about 400 meters before they got so flat I had to stop. I did this about 4 times. In my frustration, I also managed to bounce my bike pump out of my bag twice and had to backtrack to find it. Eventually, I threw the bike in the bushes and walked the 3 miles back to Woomera, got the car and went back to recover the bike. I haven't ridden my bike since. There are some bikes here we can borrow. I thought they handled the seeds better, but when I went to borrow a bike this afternoon, I found the bike I rode the other day had a flat. Between that bike and my own, I have 4 intertubes to try to fix this afternoon...
Sorry state of my bike for the last 2 weeks (two flats and splattered in mud and dust):

I got a great new app (GPS Kit) that allows me to record where I ride and export it to Google Earth. In this way, I can overlay all my rides on top of each other and see everywhere I have ridden. I am now trying to cover as many paths/roads as possible. Here is what I have done so far. The single red path is my walk home after the double flat debacle. For reference, the yellow line is one mile long.

Monday, March 10, 2014


Being in Woomera (and being fascinated by rockets and aircraft) I feel obligated to mention some of the technology developed here. The Woomera range was originally established as a joint project between the UK and Australia for the development of rockets after WWII. The types of rockets being researched and developed included ICBMs, antiaircraft missiles, satellite launch vehicles, sounding rockets (for atmospheric research) and antitank weapons. In addition, several atomic bomb tests were conducted in the 1950s and there were a variety of radar tracking sites for space/satellite/defense purposes.

The Skylark sounding rocket was used for many experiments related to atmospheric research and astronomy. It could lift a 200kg payload to an altitude of roughly 200km. Over 400 of them were launched worldwide from 1957 to 2000. The one pictured here has a an optional second stage on the bottom that added 4 seconds of burn time and an additional 90km of altitude. Multiple experiments were typically fitted into the nose cone.

The Black Knight Rocket was originally designed as a test vehicle for studying designs and materials for reentry. Originally it was intended to help with the development of the Blue Streak rocket but this program ended up getting cancelled. Later flights were done in conjunction with the US for studies needed for its manned space flight program. The initial rockets would reach altitudes of 800km and then fall back into the atmosphere reaching velocities above 3km/s. Later versions used a second stage rocket that fired after the rocket was falling back to earth and further increased the downward velocity to 5km/s.
The flights were done at night so the reentry could be seen optically. I found the following image of a Black Knight reentry. (stolen from The reentry head is the longer streak.

One of the most iconic vehicles here is the Jindivik target drone (aboriginal for "The Hunted One"). It was developed by Australia for the testing of antiaircraft missiles. It took off on a wheeled trolley. Once it gained sufficient airspeed, the Jindivik detached from the trolley which stayed on the ground. It took 5 people to remotely pilot the vehicle. Generally, the Jindivick tows a target (eg a flare) behind it for missile tests, though sometimes it was used as the primary target. It had no wheels and landed by sliding on its underside.
An image of one taking off:

Additionally, old fighters (like the Meteor below) and bombers were modified to be unmanned target drones as well.

Starting in the 50s, a lot of testing was done on anti-aircraft missiles. An example of this is the Thunderbolt missile pictured below. The 4 yellow rockets were additional boosters that detached shortly into flight. The missile used semi-active radar to find its target. A ground based radar was required to illuminate the target aircraft. The missile detected the radar reflection off the target and homed in on it.

Video of a Thunderbird test.

Finally, here is a piece of equipment used for the testing. A kinetheodolite. It was used to record the flight of the object under test (eg bomb or rocket). It took two operators to keep the camera on the target: one kept it aligned in azimuth and one in elevation. It's camera took images of the target and annotated them with the current azimuth and elevation of the pedestal.

Example image from a kinetheodolite (from the book Fire Across the Desert - Peter Morton). People would have to analyze each frame of data, recording the azimuth and elevation of the target and adding a correction if the target was not correctly centered in the crosshairs.  

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Streaky Bay

After completing our travel through the Gawler ranges, we ended up a little over an hour from the west coast of the Eyre Peninsula. We decided to take off for Streaky Bay then, to see the ocean! We showed up to the small town about dinner time and took a pleasant swim near the harbor. We kept feeling our hands were hitting something while swimming. It felt a bit like one of the water jets on the side of a pool. Towards the end, we realized there were tons of small transparent jellyfish that we were banging into.
Harbor area:
Our hotel:

According to the tourist guide, Streaky Bay is one of the centers of seafood in Australia and we couldn't wait to get a good seafood dinner. Unfortunately, the really good restaurant in town is only open 4 days a week. The only other place that served seafood was our hotel. They had about 8 seafood meals:
    several types of fish: deep fried and breaded
    shrimp: deep fried and breaded
    abalone: deep fried and breaded
    calamari: deep fried and breaded.
The oyster appetizer was the only dish that was not deep fried and breaded.
They did sell seafood in the shops there, but we didn't have any facilities for cooking our own meals. 
Non breaded oysters:

The following morning, we did a scenic loop 20 or 30 km down the coast. There were some spectacular views from the cliffs overlooking the ocean.

We found one place to do a bit of snorkeling. The water was pretty chilly. We saw a few fish and some seaweed, but nothing tremendously exciting. 
Duncan getting up the nerve to get wet:

On the return part of the loop we came to the dune section with beautiful fine white sand and no signs telling us we couldn't climb on them.
View at the top of the dunes:
 Weird sand formations:

I did the obligatory running jump down an edge of the dune.

Finally, we went up the coast a few kilometers to the Whistling Rocks. These are porous rocks where air and water is forced up tubes in the rocks by the impact of waves at the waters edge. The higher holes produce odd breathing sounds as air is forced up them. The ones at the water's edge would spray fountains of water into the air.
A sign describing the phenomena:

Water spraying from the blow holes as a wave hits.