Monday, March 17, 2014

Pernatty Lagoon Mine

On a day we went in early and finished early, we took some time in the afternoon to locate a geocache about 25 minutes south of Woomera. It was on the outskirts of the Pernatty Lagoon Mine. It is a copper, silver and cobalt mine that has been in operation for over 100 years.
The ore is found in a layer 3-10 meters thick at a depth betweens 10s of meters and 400meters. The parts we were able to see were open cut mines where the layers of earth above the ore had been removed.
There were nice signs welcoming us to the visitors area where there was a viewing platform overlooking the open pit mine.
Dave and Duncan following path to viewing platform:

Viewing platform:


There was a lot of green to be seen. The rocks contained green (copper sulphate?).

There was a leach field area below the mine on the edge of a salt lake. Some green liquid flowed into it from the mine. It was very pretty, but it looked kind of toxic. This is the dried out pond:

Duncan surveys a pond of green liquid while keeping his cellular mutations in check:

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