Friday, February 28, 2014


We saw a lot of lizards in the Eyre Peninsula. They were prolific in the Gawler Ranges especially. We didn't notice them at first, but once we did, we couldn't help but see them everywhere. All the ones we saw were pretty small. Their bodies ranged from 1in to 4-5 inches in length. Duncan got most of these shots since I didn't have my long range lens the first day. Here he is getting shots of a small orange lizard:

A shot of the lizard. The way he camoflauges into the rhyolites is pretty impressive. He has similar orange, black, and white specs to the rock. I spent time trying to identify these guys and concluded they were all members of lizardus unidentifius.

We saw lizards with different coloring in several other environments.
Lizard on granite:
Lizard on sand:

I think this is a skink. We spotted him about 10 ft away from us. He nonchalantly headed towards us. When he was less than a meter from me, I moved which scared him off. He soon approached within a couple feet again. This happened about 3 times. If this were a dog, I would have considered his behavior as one of timid curiosity.

Yet another lizard:

Duncan got this cool shot:

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